Friday 23 January 2015

The Hidden Work

Ok, this could just be me, but sometimes when I see people preaching, teaching, singing or just generally sharing the word of God, I gain a wonderful blessing from it but at the same time I start to feel extremely discouraged. I often think to myself “Daisy, what exactly are YOU doing for the Lord?” “People are out there and you’re just…there.”

I had one of those moments this month and God had to remind me of The Hidden Work.

I think it was towards the end of 2011 when I watched a YouTube video of some young people that I knew who were preaching across the “mean” streets of London. I remember calling a friend and describing what I had seen and how guilty I felt because it seemed like I wasn’t doing anything. At the time I was one of the main teachers within a medium sized bible study group. We met every Friday night and Sunday afternoon to study bible history, prophecy and a variety of topics concerning the life and character of Jesus Christ. To me, the work I was doing with the bible study group couldn’t compare to what I was seeing on YouTube.

My friend listened very carefully to what I was saying and replied “You may look at that and think wow and then feel really bad and useless, but you do know that there is a great work that goes on that isn’t captured on camera?”

Hmmm, that comment made me think – maybe my understanding of the gospel work was all wrong. Should I really be looking at God’s work in that way?

Let us consider this - God does have a great work for us to do, that’s a fact. However, it might not be for you (at the moment) to be seen of men and to be out there and visible to hundreds or thousands via media or through foreign missions. Maybe your great work is to be committed to your weekly bible studies teaching 2 people for the next 3 years. Let us remember that the work of the gospel is more than our finite minds can fathom and often God works contrary to our own human ideals and imagination. You may look at the above scenario and think it is of little value as its only 2 people not knowing that under your influence, guidance and mentorship those 2 people will impact so many others, people perhaps that you could never reach. Did you do a great work? Yes. Were you seen? No.

For some of us that work may be for us to be still before the Lord doing nothing but sitting at His feet daily, studying His word and allowing Him to break the stony part of our hearts. Being visibly active may look all glamorous but even those who are out there will tell you that it isn’t always easy and they often have to face much discouragement and disappointment. You want to be active and out there but are you ready for the tests and trial that come with it?

Another thing to consider is Matthew 20:1 – 10. It doesn’t fit the situation we are talking about like for like but it brings out a very good lesson. In this parable some labour in the vineyard from the morning, others come in the afternoon and some come at the 11th hour but at the end of the day all receive the same wage. This is an illustration of the gospel work, naturally some will do “more” than others but ultimately all will receive the same reward. So there is no reason for us to feel like we need to compete with or compare ourselves to others.

Let’s not be discouraged people, if we avail ourselves God will do a great work in us but let us not think doing a great work automatically means we will be out there for all to see. It isn’t about us so let’s allow God to lead us to do His work, while we continue to study the bible and make good use of the opportunities he has already put before us.

I often forget the lessons that God has shown me in the past…so thankful for gentle reminders.

Be encouraged!

Love, your girl forever,

♥ Miss Daisy