Thursday, 31 January 2013

2013: "True Contentment."

Since the age of 16 I've had this weird tradition of giving each year a theme. For example, in 2008 I think the theme was “flying solo” to mark 2008 as the year I would do my own thing and be independent. Last year I decided that I didn’t want to give each year a theme as I found my previous themes to be quite immature and self-centred, however something I read in the 4th chapter of Philippians changed my mind.

Paul writes Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content’ Philippians 4:11. I like the way the Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘content’, it defines it as ‘a state of peaceful happiness’, ‘willing to accept something as adequate despite wanting something more or better’, ‘being satisfied’.


When things changed in 2012, I had to just learn to accept things as they were. “It is what it is,” the people say, and “grin and bare it”! But is this way the ideal? I have learnt and now believe that Christ can give us peace, joy, happiness and fulfilment in whatever situation or emotional state we may be in. Why? Because everything that happens in life is a brick that builds us up. Paul brings this out quite nicely in Philippians 4:12 ‘I know both to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.’ Paul then goes on to reveal the secret to his contentment in verse 13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me’

So for this year, 2013, this is what I want, true contentment (from the heart). I want to be content in Christ and his love; knowing and trusting that God is in control and his providence is working everything out for my benefit and to his glory. No matter what situation I’m in, where I live (comfortable or uncomfortable), who I’m with (with the masses or alone), where I work (and the list goes on...). And during this year,  if I am tempted to be discontent I will ask the Lord to remind me of Paul’s experience in Philippians 4:11, His promises found in His word and also how He has led me in the past. I hope this is my experience in 2013, and yours too!

Love, your girl forever,

♥ Miss Daisy ♥ 


2012 has gone into eternity, but the lessons still live on.....

I remember New Year’s Day 2012, I posted a Facebook status saying “2012: this is the year my life will change!” I wrote this trying to be deep and profound but at the same time knowing that issues from 2011 would reach their conclusion in 2012 and as a result big changes would occur. However the changes I was to face in 2012 were much greater than I had anticipated.

So much happened in 2012 but on this occasion I will share with you two events.

Firstly, I lost a friend that was dear to my heart. OK, no one died! But it felt like it. This was someone who I thought would be in my life forever, but this was no longer the case. It was very hard for me to see my life without them, so, much of my 2012 was spent in much sadness and disappointment. God, however is so good because he has brought me much peace and comfort through this situation, which is such a blessing because there was a time when I thought the pain of the situation would never pass. In God’s providence this situation did bring me closer with an unexpected friend. My friend Sophie and I were acquainted but hardly spoke, however God used her to bring much joy and happiness during my “great loss”. Her friendship, her counsel, her kind words and many ways to make me laugh have blessed me beyond words. When I think about Sophie the phrase “she gets me” comes to mind. Truly the Lord gives beauty for ashes!


Another drastic change I faced in 2012 is my move to South Wales. I made a promise to God that after I finish my final year of university I would move out of London and live in a more rural area. When I prayed that prayer, Wales was not on the agenda. However it was in the Lord’s order that I should be in Wales (I’ll save this experience for another blog post!). My move to Wales was somewhat radical; I literally packed up and moved with very little money, no job and very little security (I wouldn't advise anyone to do that!). However since being here in Wales, God has blessed me tremendously. The scenery is breath taking and I have met people here that I have grown to love very much. It has been trying at times but God has always brought me through! I have always considered myself as a Londoner through and through, but here in Wales…I feel at home.


The biggest lesson I've learnt in 2012 is to Embrace every gift that God gives us, including loss. Yes, loss is a gift! When God takes something away from us or we have to yield up something to him, it causes us to learn how to put our trust in his judgement and leading and the gains and blessing we receive from doing this is more than we could have imagined or asked for. My dear friends, through any loss, keep trusting, keeping praying, keep hoping and keep believing! In his time he will bring restoration and make things beautiful again.

Love your girl forever

♥ Miss Daisy ♥