Sunday, 26 May 2013

My B, Be, Benita!

I love the month of May, for me it marks the beginning of spring/summer in the UK, it’s the month of my birthday and also the birthday of one of my dearest (probably my most favourite person in the world right now)  friend Benita. God has taught me so much about love through my friendship with Benita. We can have disagreements or arguments and it’s almost instantly resolved, sometimes she can do things that can be perceived as very annoying but for some strange reason it doesn't irritate me at all. I believe these things don’t get to me because of the love I have for her which is also an encouragement that I can (and should) have this experience with others.

I was reading Proverbs 18:24 a while ago and Benita came to mind; “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.Our friendship has grown from strength to strength over the years. I remember in the early days we were singing partners and we did a few duets together, she helped me build my confidence in singing and taught me how to sing alto. She was also there for me when I was beginning a new chapter in my life, giving me womanly advice and being there to listen.  She has helped me face many storms and has been so happy when I have come out on the other side; I am so excited because I know she will play a huge role in my life in the distant future. I am so thankful to God because it’s a wonderful thing to know that you have a friend who genuinely wants to see you happy and that takes pleasure in your Joy. It is also a blessing to have a friend who you connect with on a spiritual level, Benita and I always support each other’s bible study sessions and often encourage each other’s spiritual growth and character development.

So today my heart is filled with joy because God has given her another year and has blessed her abundantly with many precious gifts especially the knowledge of his Son; God has blessed us with a daughter, a wife, a sister and a true friend

Happy Birthday Benita xxx

Thank you so much Lord for blessing me with such a beautiful (inside and out) and caring friend, I pray that you will continue to nurture and strengthen this friendship. Let it blossom Lord.

With overflowing love love LOVE!

♥ Miss Daisy ♥

Friday, 17 May 2013

The Flower is Growing.

Have you ever been given a gift by someone that knew you but you didn't know them? Over 24 years ago I was given the gift of life. I didn't know it was a gift nor did I know the giver, at that time life probably felt like mere existence. As I began to grow and the years passed by I began to learn more about life and its giver.

I love when my birthday comes around each year, for me it’s a time to reflect and think about this gift of life and how I can make better use of it. I think about how I've developed from the previous year, things I've achieved, areas I need to improve on, moments where I've failed and moments where I've learned. Most importantly I think about my standing with God; has my love for Him grown over the year? Has age and experience increased my commitment and obedience to him? Let’s talk more about life.

Life is such a multifaceted gift, it brings with it love, faith, joy, peace, family, friends, memories, laughter, accomplishments, trust, fulfilment, just to mention a few. It also brings with it pain, sorrow, loss and disappointment. These things may seem to ruin life but actually strengthen us when we pass through them. Another thing that intrigues me about life is the uncertainty of it; the fact that you never know what is going to happen, who you’ll meet, who you’ll lose and ultimately where you'll end up. Even if you try your very best to plan every aspect of your life to the very last minute detail, it's quiet unlikely for it to go exactly how you planned it. Life takes many twists and turns. During my late teens and early 20’s I had my whole life planned out but now at 24 I have no clue what’s next. This at times frustrates me. I often feel like I am walking blind folded on a tight rope not knowing what’s ahead of me. It’s scary, not knowing where the pitfalls are or how long until you “get there”. However, while feeling this, I feel someone holding my hand and keeping me steady. This person can see what’s ahead and is guiding me while encouraging me to keep moving forward. My 23rd year has taught me not to plan life and try and make things happen the way I want it to happen (thought it might be worth mentioning here that I am not saying that it is bad to plan) but rather put my plans before God, trusting that he will guide me, for he knows what is ahead and will lead me to the right place.

I am the tight rope walker, and Lord, you are my guide. Please continue to lead me and guide my path for many more years to come. Thank you so much Lord for another year.*

I don’t know what lies ahead for you and I, but I do know that if we trust God and allow him to guide us he will lead us to beautiful places. See you there x

Love, your girl forever,

♥ Miss Daisy 
* My Birthday is on the 18th of May :-)