Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Dear Auntie Molly: In loving memory of Molly Mirembe Kulongo

A personal letter that I wrote and posted to Auntie Molly on the 7th of March 2016.

Dear Auntie Molly,

Greetings from your daughter and friend Daisy. You have been deeply in my thoughts and I am sad to admit that I have not stayed in touch with you like I should have and would have liked to. Please forgive me.

I was speaking to a friend before the New Year who was telling me about the words that she shared at her grandmother’s funeral.  She told me that while she was speaking, she realised that she wasn’t saying anything that her grandmother didn’t already know. Oftentimes it’s only when someone passes away that we begin to express our deep feelings towards them and highlight the good things about them. We can even express things that perhaps we didn’t share with them while they were still on this earth.

For this purpose I am writing you this letter.

Auntie, I know that you are currently wrestling with the idea as to whether you may fall asleep sooner rather than later, and I don’t want to wait until then (whenever that may be) to open my heart to you and to express my deep love and gratitude for all that you are and all that you have been to me.

I write you this letter not because you are dead but because in Christ you are ALIVE!

Being a teenager and somewhat new Christian isn’t easy. I remember when I decided to start attending Beckton Maranatha SDA Church and how Aunties such as yourself, Auntie Sarah, Auntie Justine, Auntie Rebecca, Auntie Ruth and Mrs Kavuma really embraced me and looked after me in the absence of my parents. Back then I didn’t appreciate your correction regarding my low cut tops, short skirts, tight clothes and black nail vanish but now I am truly thankful for your consistency and persistence in lovingly showing me the error of my ways.

Transitioning into womanhood I learnt so much from you. By example you showed me what it means to be a woman, a wife and a mother. I watched you open your home to anyone who was in need. You allowed us to use your home for youth bible studies, choir practice, Beckton Sisters recordings, church meetings, social gatherings and even somewhere just to hang out; your home is known to be a safe haven and a place of refuge to many. I remember when visitors would come to the house at night just before you were about to go to bed and you would come downstairs and cook for them and host them. I have seen how God has blessed you and Uncle with 5 precious jewels and how you have offered them back to Him. Each one of your children has played such a significant part in my life and walk with God.

Speaking of being a wife, I remember one morning when you burst into the girls’ room and pretty much told us that we were all too young to get married, and you began to tell us about the true realities of the married life. Auntie, though we were quite unresponsive, texting on our phones while you were talking and generally appeared indifferent, I must admit (especially in my case) that you were right. I truly appreciate the words you shared with us that morning and I have taken note of them. Auntie you truly left no stone unturned, you even spoke to us about the importance of cleanliness and female hygiene, I remember writing about it in my journal hehe :). You have been a living example of your words, and I know this to be true and I can see the fruit of this when I look at Uncle’s deep love for you.

What I cherish the most is our one to one time. I have such good memories of the days I would sit at your bedside and we would talk and talk. I look forward to having more of these moments with you. Auntie, I love the way you show such deep interest in my life choices and especially in my “love life”. I know that you have been praying for me in this area. I know that you long to see the man God (if it is His will) will bring into my life to be my husband and friend. I know that you will be my eyes and my ears and will prayerfully and closely examine his character to see if he is indeed the Lord’s choice. Thank you for the many times you have been a listening ear as I have opened up about my hopes, dreams, doubts and fears.

My sweetest memory with you is when I took some time out to look after you and to cook for you. I cooked so many different vegan dishes for you and Uncle to try, that was a very fun time! I remember asking you if I could practice my massage techniques on you, I know you love massages, so you happily complied :). I know we had our disagreements about chicken and cups of Tetley’s tea, but I honestly enjoyed that time with you. It was a delight to serve you, thank you for giving me an opportunity to live out my faith practically. I learnt so much about what it means to be a medical missionary and to love as Christ loves - seeking to love and draw near to those who He came to save.

Last but not least, I have been thinking about your faith, your love for your Creator, your prayerfulness and your tireless efforts in the women’s ministry department. I once heard that our trials are weighed and measured in heaven before being given to us. To me this means that anything that may befall us is fully considered and assessed before it even touches us. This thought was coupled with the thought that God will not give us more than we can bear. God knows Auntie, that in Him you can face anything. You have been through so much these past few years but you have shown yourself strong in the face of bitter and painful trials. You have clung to your Saviour and Friend, trusting that he will carry you through.  Though you have been disappointed, disheartened and discouraged you always speak of His goodness. I have never heard you speak negatively of God for anything that has befallen you.

In Him you have an unbreakable spirit.

You have proven faithful to God in all your tests and trials and you will prove faithful even in this! Please continue to give Him your whole heart, trust and believe Auntie. Please Auntie, know and believe that God has not forgotten about you. He longs to walk by the way with you – by waters still and deep through places high and steep, He will lead you. Your dear Shepheard wants to guide you through paths of peace and righteousness. Though you feel like you are face to face with death, believe that in all things He is faithful and know that you are still beloved of your God. Remember Christ’s precious blood was shed that you may have life! On this earth, regardless of any sickness, In Christ you do have life and have it more abundantly. His love for you is indomitable and stronger than sickness, suffering and death.

Thank you for holding on for so long Auntie, hold on a little bit longer, His grace is still sufficient for you. Thank you for setting such a good example. I pray that we may seek to be faithful to God that we may stand victorious on that sea of glass and if not we’ll definitely meet at the tree of life. But until then, while on this earth, may our love for our God be pure, passionate, unhindered, resilient, unreserved, unconquerable and endless.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
….For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 
Romans 8:35, 38-39

With overflowing love

The letter arrived safely in London and I asked Auntie’s youngest son Ivan if he could read the letter to her. Interestingly, every time he went to visit her in hospital he kept forgetting the letter at home, even though he was sure he had put it in his inside pocket. To cut a long story short, providentially I ended up reading her the letter on the 12th of March 2016, when I went to visit her in hospital.

Sadly Auntie Molly passed away on Friday the 1st of April 2016. I was deeply saddened as I honestly didn’t think that that would be the last time I would see her, but at the same time happy to know that our last memory together was me reading her this letter.  I got to do with Auntie, what she enjoyed the most and what we did the best; I got to sit at her bedside and talk with her, for one final time…

Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. 
Revelation 14:13

Rest Auntie, We shall speak again very soon x

♥ Miss Daisy ♥