Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Maid of Honour

When Kimberley asked me to be her maid of honour, I was super excited and felt very privileged.  I had a vague idea of what being a maid of honour was all about but as the months of wedding planning went by I got a much clearer idea.

A great commission 

Maid: a woman or girl employed to do domestic work, an unmarried girl or woman especially when young

Honour: hold in great respect, hold in high esteem, have a high regard for, look up to, think highly of;

Kimberley was asking me to take up a role of great love and service. Thank you for that privilege *wait, it’s a privilege to be a servant???* Yes, there is no greater privilege than to serve –the time and hard labour is nothing compared to the great love you have for the one you are serving.

I want to share with you the speech that I gave at Kimberley’s wedding, I was extremely nervous and was almost too scared to share it but I am glad I did :)

Maid of Honour Speech

Good Afternoon all, for those that don’t know me my name is Daisy and I have known Kimberley and Chiawuotu since 2009 I met them both at the Advanced Centre of Evangelism (ACE) (I actually met Chiawuotu first and Kimberley later on). However today I stand here as Kimberley’s maid of honour so the words I will share today will be directed towards Kimberley. When I first met Kimberley I didn’t speak to her much but I noticed straight away that she had a very close relationship with God and I remember she used to always refer to God in the second person. She would say things like “…When I was speaking to Him this morning…” or “I think so but I need to ask Him first”. To me it was quite remarkable to see a young person relate to God in such a close way.

Walking in happiness
Our friendship has grown tremendously over the years and Kimberley has become more than a friend to me, even more than a sister. She has always challenged me unto good works and has been one of the most influential characters in my walk with God. God has definitely given her a heart of service and love for her fellowmen. I remember during ACE, I asked Kimberley to wake me up every morning at 5am as at that time I wasn’t a morning person, and she committed to that every morning even when I didn’t want to get up. She taught me how to play guitar, she also taught me how to cook -I knew how to cook already but she taught me the science of cooking e.g how to develop recipes, how to experiment with ingredients, how to preserve food and stop wastage and also how to recover a failing recipe. Both Kimberley and Chiawuotu love cooking and are very gifted in this area so I pray that this is something they can work together on in order to help teach and minister to others. God has given Kimberley a passion for helping those she loves to grow and develop and those one to one sessions that I had with her I will always treasure.

It’s interesting because one of my most treasured memories was when Kimberley and Tara Marie came to visit me and somehow ended up living in my house for some time. It literally was the three of us in my room rotating between 2 single beds. And at night we would talk and talk and Kimberley would always be the one to say (in her sweet voice) “Ok can we go to sleep now and talk in the morning”. I remember going to get each of them a key cut and till this day my parents are still like “how did we let you get away with that”?!?!?! Nevertheless that was such a precious time in our friendship. 

Maid of Honour
But on a more serious note –

I have committed to pray for Kimberley every day during this wedding season and one of the things that God keeps bringing to my mind when I am praying for her union with Chiawuotu is Kimberley’s service as a missionary. Now when we think of missionaries we imagine someone who travels to foreign lands, who helps build schools and teach the bible to those who don’t have access to it; And Kimberley has definitely been involved in these things. However I think Kimberley’s biggest mission field, whether she realises it or not, has been the home.

I remember when Kimberley decided to look after a lady called Camille, who was quite ill, and she stayed in her house and helped her with the running of the home and also worked with her children. Shortly after that she decided to move to Leicester to look after her Grandfather. It’s interesting because I remember you  telling me the story of when you and your  family went to visit him and how you  felt when you all were waving him Goodbye and how your heart was touched and how you knew that God was calling you to move to Leicester to be with your Granddad. God has been very faithful to you Kimberley and we thank him for giving you the opportunity and the grace to make those sacrifices, to give of yourself and to put your wants and perhaps needs aside for the sake of someone else. I know that in both situations it wasn’t always easy and you met some challenges but I definitely believe that you learnt some enduring lessons on how to bring Christ into the home not only for your joy but for the joy of others. Often we want to do a big work with the masses and the most humblest work is often slighted, but Kimberley you have been faithful in the least and now God has blessed you with much. He has given you an even greater mission field, your own home with your husband Chiawuotu. I pray that you remember and implement everything that God has taught you while labouring for Camille and your granddad. All those lessons of kindness, forbearance, meekness, humility, patience, compassion and love - that they will be principle pillars of your home. Nothing is by chance Kimberley, God has been preparing you for this moment for a long time and we thank him so much for he provides for us even before we even think or ask

A precious gift and a promise from a special friend
Kimberley, my dearest, I love you. I praise God for this union and for this journey that you have begun I pray that all the blessings that God intends to bestow on the marriage union will be yours as you faithful walk together with the Lord bringing him into your home and your hearts daily. [Speech ends]

Kimberley it was such a blessing to serve you for these few months and not only to serve you as a dear friend and sister but to plan with you, talk with you, rush around with you, stress with you, pray with you…it was truly an honour. 

Forever Friends

Love you forever Kimberley Ham-Ying, oops I mean, Anyanwu :)

♥ Miss Daisy ♥

The voice of the Bridegroom and of the Bride: Mr and Mrs Anyanwu

A few weeks ago, I posted the courtship story of my friends Chiawuotu and Kimberley (click here to read); well they wedded on the 15th of August in a beautiful ceremony in Cattrerick, North Yorkshire. Like most eventful days months or even years of planning is required however  the day itself with all its fun, happiness and excitement seems to just come and swiftly go. This event on the other hand was different; something about this day left an impression on the mind as it provided a glimpse of a much greater and more anticipated future event – the marriage supper of the lamb.

The Bride and Groom
The theme of the wedding was the parable of the 10 virgins found in Matthew 25: 1-13. A very fitting theme for a wedding as marriage in the bible is more than just the union of man and woman before God but it is a symbol or illustration of Christ’s relationship with the church.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself…This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Ephesians 5:22-28,32

Happy are all who fear the Lord
The same illustration of the marriage relation is seen in the Old Testament where God is likened to the husband/bridegroom and His people/church are likened to the bride.

For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee. Isaiah 62:5 

For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called. Isaiah 54:5

The Wait 

Chiawuotu was waiting patiently at the front of the church for his bride to arrive. The groomsmen entered followed by the flower girls and the bridesmaids, but where was his bride? All guests were seated and finally the church doors opened and there Kimberley was dressed in pure white ready to meet her groom. Chiawuotu declared his love for Kimberley and called her forth with a song that they had written together, the opening line of the song was “Happy are all who fear the Lord, they shall live by his will”. Hand in hand with her father Kimberley joined him in song as she gracefully made her way forward to meet Chiawuotu. They ended the song with the words “It’s the cry of midnight” which brought to mind the theme of the wedding and the words of the parable found in Matthew 25.

The bridegroom waiteth

The bride comes forth 
Chiawuotu and Kimberley made use of the symbols found in the parable of the ten virgins with a white and midnight blue colour scheme (blue representing God’s commandments – Numbers 15:38-40), the groomsmen were carrying white bibles and the bridesmaids were carrying small lanterns. Even the wedding date was symbolical of the parable (I’ll let you Adventist historians figure that one out J)

The Bridal Party
The parable reads - Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom…And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him…the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut…Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. Matthew 25: 1, 6, 10,13

It would be good to read through the whole parable when you get a chance as there is a lot more to this parable than what is being discussed here, but this parable basically tells a story of waiting virgins /brides who are preparing to meet the bridegroom so that they may enter into the marriage supper with him. A call goes out at midnight to signify the coming of the bridegroom and the brides who were faithfully waiting and who had prepared for him were ready to enter with him into the wedding. Likewise with us we are waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ, and as a bride prepares for her wedding day by making herself ready to meet the groom and keeping her dress white. We too are to wait patiently for the coming of our Lord, keeping our garments white (Revelation 19:8) and being ready to meet Jesus when he comes.

As we wait for Christ he is also waiting for us – James 5:7 Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. 

The Wedding Ceremony 

Before Kimberley was given away, her father gave a touching speech about Kimberley’s family life, her personality, her foreign mission service and her love for God and Chiawuotu. The two came together at the marriage altar and stood as an emblem of purity and fidelity. Their lives and their conduct during their season of courtship served as a witness of God’s faithfulness and a demonstration that God’s ways are truly perfect , and His ideals are higher than what the human mind or the world can tell.

They shared their own personal vows such as: “I promise to stay close to Christ through daily communion, the study of God’s word and daily surrender that the love that I give may come from God and that we may work together intelligently for the salvation of souls.”, “I promise to be pure in thought, action and feelings ever being faithful to the seventh commandment.”, I promise to forgive always and not to coldly draw away when mistakes are made but to instead draw closer to each other during those times.” And “I promise to become intelligent in regards to disease, it’s prevention and its treatment that I may do all in my power to restore and preserve our health, and that we may work together to make our home and our marriage a ministry of healing for others.” These precious promises were sealed with a kiss (their very first kiss J).

Entering into a precious covenant 
This day was extra special to me because even though it was Chiawuotu and Kimberley’s wedding they moved the focus from themselves and pointed us to Christ, the real bridegroom who first loved us and emptied himself completely that he may gain us - His bride. More precious than the covenant and commitment they made to each other before God, was the deep impressions of the spirt of God on the hearts of all guests and witnesses that awakened a deeper desire to walk faithfully before God and to receive him – the bridegroom - as our great reward. 

Mr and Mrs Anyanwu
Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready… Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.
 Revelation 19: 7, 9

My picture with the newly weds
Congratulations Chiawuotu and Kimberley Anyanwu, may your married life have an influence for time and for eternity. 

With overflowing love,

 ♥ Miss Daisy  ♥

p.s The wedding ceremony was recorded via live stream to watch this special event please click here.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Choosing to love always: A small brush with racism

I want to share an experience I had a few weeks ago and to tell you how God turned things around in order to teach me an enduring life lesson. What I share is not intended to be an attack on any individual or group of individuals (as I love you all J) but I believe that if you have ever experienced hateful/abusive words, looks, actions etc you can definitely relate to this post and I hope we can agree on the conclusion of the matter.

So here’s how the story goes….

It was Sabbath (Saturday) and after church some friends and I planned to attend another church to help out with their afternoon health program. I wasn’t too sure where the church was so I decided to follow behind my friend’s car; my friend is known for being a fast driver so I wanted to stay as close as possible to their car. We stopped at a roundabout and my friend was able to go straight through but I had to stop. While I was waiting to go through a young couple with a baby decided to cross the road, the woman ran across with her pram and then the man began to walk across very slowly (remember this isn’t a pedestrian crossing so I had right of way). I started to creep forward not to imply “hurry up I’m going to run you over” but to try and catch up with my friend as my mind was so focused on not being left behind. He finally got to the other side and I prepared to race off when I heard in my left ear all sorts of profanity and the sentence “Can’t you wait you stupid black *blank*!” as I sped away.

I felt like it all happened in a split second and within that time I managed to catch a glimpse of his face and he looked extremely angry! My initial reaction was “Wow! How come I didn’t react or retaliate??”  I wondered if the man even questioned whether I heard him.  It definitely was God’s grace that came to my aid because I know my natural response would have been to turn the car around (somehow) and confront him or call the police – basically make an extremely big deal out of the situation. So I was very encouraged and thankful to God for helping me deal with the situation in the best way. However as I continued driving hurt and sadness began to sink in, I began to remember a conversation that I had with a friend that very week. He was telling me that he has experienced a lot of racism while living in Wales and I was telling him that I find the people here, from young to old, to be very friendly and loving and that I have never experienced racism or any form of abuse since moving here. In fact I realised that I have never directly experienced any form of racism.
Ok…I know some may look at this situation and think "He just called you a black “something” it's hardly racial abuse" but what that man wanted to do was to curse me and show his displeasure and anger and my race was a platform for that and that is what I found hurtful. I was reasoning in my mind if I did do something stupid it would be because I am a stupid person not because of the colour of my skin. However hate doesn't reason like that, it merely seeks to hit you where it hurts. I know I am not completely blameless in this story as I know that creeping forward was what set him off.
The next day was very challenging for me as I kept on hearing his sentence over and over again in my mind and imagining his angry face. I experienced many emotions that day as I went from upset to OK to angry and almost hateful. I began reasoning in my mind that maybe I shouldn’t go into work as I felt my colleagues just tolerated me but deep down didn’t really like me or want me there.

*Note – Be careful with evil thoughts, they are not your thoughts and if you ponder on them they will become your own thoughts and you will begin to believe things that are wholly untrue and irrational.
Providentially I watched an online news special that day which was showing an African American lady being extremely hateful towards a white American who went into her barber shop to meet her African American boyfriend. It wasn’t a nice thing to witness and towards the end of the report I thought to myself “Right, that’s enough!  Everybody has a choice and this is mine – I will not, in fact I refuse to participate in someone else’s hate when the option to love is there, so I choose to love.” All hate does is breed more hate for example the man at the roundabout showed hatred towards me, then I take that and go on to pass that onto my colleagues at work and then they go on to pass it to many others. I honestly can’t be a participant in that; it takes too much time and energy and strips you of your peace.

Yes hateful words and actions do hurt and cause pain but so do hateful responses. We may think “Yes I’ve got that person back, and showed them what I am made of!” but has responding in the same way provided any consolation?  Are we any happier now?
God took this lesson beyond race and my experience that Sabbath and challenged my thinking even further with this scripture –
For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them. And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same. And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again. But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Luke 6:32-37  
True love is distinctive and goes beyond that which is reciprocated. Anyone, and I mean anyone, can “love” those who love them back and treat them well but the love that conquers all can love irrespective of cold and callous treatment. This is a hard concept to come to grips with and challenging but nevertheless it is very true and attainable and I believe that Christ can make this kind of love a reality in our lives...if we choose.
As hurtful as my experience was I believe God allowed it to happen to show me what it really means to love and to challenge me with these questions (join me and ask yourselves these questions too) -  Do I choose to love always? Do I combat hateful behaviour with love? Do I draw warmth from the coldness of others? Is my response to sinful or hateful behaviour telling of the Christian faith I profess?
There is so much hate in this world and much more to come. There’s not much we can do about that but we do have a choice! So let’s choose to love…always.
But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.
Luke 6:27-28

Love, your girl forever,

♥ Miss Daisy 


Monday, 30 June 2014

Commit thy way unto the Lord: Chiawuotu and Kimberley's love story

This summer two of my very good friends, Chaiwuotu and Kimberley, are getting married and in the lead up to their wedding I had the opportunity to interview them about their love story and how God led them together. I was able to witness their friendship and love for each other develop and I would like to share with you a love story that I believe God authored . I hope you are blessed and encouraged as you read their story J

How and when did you first meet?  

imberley (KH) Well… we met in several stages. I first saw Chiawuotu at prayer warriors, a youth prayer retreat in April 2008. I remember him sharing some unique poetry with enthusiasm in the program; but we never met properly. I didn’t know his name or anything about him and I wasn’t really interested in finding out.

Chiawuotu (CA)  I remember first seeing Kimberley at the summer NEC Camp Meeting in 2008, on the last day, in the last sermon. I don’t know how it came to happen because I had never met Kimberley before but we were sat next to each other, in the last sermon preached by Pastor Matt Para about ‘relationships’. Completely disinterested in relationships, I was waiting eagerly for an appeal to surrender my life to Christ and be baptised. I also asked if God would help me decide in that sermon to go to the Bible School at the Advanced Centre of Evangelism (ACE) - My prayers were answered by the close of that sermon.

KH. : And little did we know that just a few weeks later we would be attending the same four months bible school. When the Director picked me up from the station on my way to the bible school, I saw Chiawuotu sitting in the car and I said to myself, "oh, I’ve seen that person before."

CA: So eventually we actually spoke and met face to face at the Bible School which we call A.C.E

ACE 2008
Was there anything awakened in your minds about each other or were you completely neutral?
Lake District - ACE 2008

CA – When we first met, I had no attraction or feelings for Kimberley at all.

KH – Me neither, I was completely neutral but looking back I did note some good things in his character.

CA- I must say during ACE, I also noticed some positive character traits in Kimberley and that she really loved the Lord, but I had no interest in a relationship.


What were your general thoughts on courtship and marriage during this time?
CA: My thoughts were and still are that courtship is a relationship where two people become acquainted with each other’s character, and seek God’s will to know whether they should marry. It shouldn’t be too long (1 to 2 years) and it’s not the right time for physical intimacy. It is also one of the most serious and solemn decisions to be made in this life and affects the life to come!  So it’s better to get it right the first time and seek good counsel.

   KH: During the time of the Bible School, I was reminded that courtship and marriage was sacred and holy and higher than the ideals of the world. I generally felt a need to keep pure and reserved for my one future husband. In the meantime, my work was to commit to God this area and guard myself fully

Graduation Ceremony - ACE 2008

                                                   A Safe Friendship

How did your friendship progress? Even then, as friends, was your mind opened to the possibility of a deeper friendship?

CA: One year later (2009) our paths crossed and we worked together in the same Bible School. We worked in the kitchen as cooks and with the students as deans and Bible teachers. It was a very practical and hands on way to have a friendship but it was strictly business like. After the four-month school we went different ways.

Working together in the Kitchen - ACE 2009

KH; In 2009 during this second phase of our friendship, I began to value Chiawuotu's support and leadership very much and I did contemplate the possibility of a deeper friendship but I guarded myself against this because while it wasn't for me to initiate anything in the first place, I also did not think that either of us were spiritually mature enough. I made sure to read a lot about true relationships (I especially read Counsels on Courtship and Marriage) in order to keep my affections guarded and I thought it best not to encourage any communication after the school.

CA: I knew nothing about this whatsoever. I certainly was not considering marriage. I wanted to finish my education, travel as a missionary and work for a few years before I considered a relationship.

So how did your friendship progress after 2009?

KH: We were out of touch for a few months (except once or twice) and then I was invited by Chiawuotu to come for one day, in 2010, to support a Campus Ministry initiative, on a University not too far away.

 CA:  Oh yes. I remember that. (smiles) I really did appreciate Kimberley’s willingness to help. After that we next met at a UK prophecy school in autumn 2010, where I think the now Advent Vision members sang together for the first time.

Advent Vision 2014

KH: Then towards the end of 2011/ beginning 2012, I was invited by Chiawuotu to officially work together in a core team of 3 to 5 young people as a music ministry.  I knew there was a strong possibility that our friendship may progress so after praying earnestly and informing my parents I joined the ministry.

CA: Yes I think our friendship progressed as we ministered together in song. I saw more of her lovely character and a glimpse into how Christ was adorning her inner life.

What boundaries did you put in place in order to have a healthy male female friendship while remaining open to the will of God? 

CA: Kimberley was so reserved from day one that I trembled for months in 2012/13 thinking about how she would respond if I told her that I was interested in courting her. This reserved behaviour help me to do a lot of serious spiritual reflection and seek spiritual counsel before even approaching her.

KH: I put up a wall. We always spoke and dealt with each other very business-like, communicating only to achieve something tangible and definite (e.g. mission work, music cd, organising etc) instead of aimless social talk. Also I tried not to be around Chiawuotu too much. Before joining together in a music ministry with Chiawuotu, I knew we would spend more time together so I kept my parents and close friends informed and updated so they could help me stay guarded. I was transparent with my parents from 2010/11 about our friendship at every stage.  Also, about the time that I realised that my affections were being called out and before I became too involved in the Advent Vision ministry, I providentially met Chiawuotu’s Mum and family and learnt more about his character and their characters. Because of all of these safeguards I felt safe as our friendship developed.

Drawn By His Loving Kindness 

How did you deal with your growing feelings for each other?

Germany 2014
CA: Well I know expression deepens impression and so until I knew it was safe, I did not express my feelings to Kimberley at all. I dealt with my feelings through prayer and receiving spiritual counsel but without Kimberley’s knowledge.  I talked to my Mum a lot, who was a great help to me. And spent a lot of time reading Adventist Home and Letters to Young Lovers and Messages to Young People. This turned my mind to the responsibilities involved in marriage, which also helped me to control my feelings and not run ahead too quickly.
KH; I was as open as possible with God, parents and close family and friends but closed to Chiawuotu as much as possible and sometimes I think I came across rude.

How did you seek out the will of God in order to get answers about your growing feelings and friendship?

CA: I prayed and read, I read and prayed. I also sought a lot of counsel from parents, church members and friends. These were my three main pillars. I also analysed Kimberley’s character very closely and carefully where possible. 

KH: Exactly the same. Initially I spent time reading and then counselling with people I respected that knew me well and that would give me a Christian perspective. Prayer was key.

Why did you choose to counsel with others? 

CA: I know sometimes counselling with parents; church members and friends can seem like an obstacle in the path of a chosen relationship or even just a grudging formality. But I truly saw the blessing in considering and weighing their counsels. Their counsels were like apples of gold and silver. It was like standing on the shoulders of those who have more foresight and prudence so that I could foresee the difficulties, challenges and even blessings, which may lie further along this relationship path.

KH: With such an important decision, I knew I couldn't trust simply my feelings or my own perspective and I really valued the opinions of those who knew me best and who had helped me in the past. Most especially, I needed my parents to approve and love Chiawuotu to know God was leading. The positive responses from all counsellors really helped me to have confidence and discernment in the way God was leading. Without them I would not have been able to understand Gods leading so clearly. It really helped me to move forward.

Commit thy Way Unto The Lord

What evidence did you need to specifically see in Kimberley to know whether God was leading her to be your wife? And what solidified your decision?

ACE 2009

CA: I needed to see the evidence of her love for God in her speech, actions and manners. I needed to see the walking fulfilment of a virtuous woman outlined in Proverbs 31 and the spirit of prophecy, to know God was leading.

 What evidence did you need to specifically see in Chiawuotu to know whether God was leading him to be your Husband? And what were some of the things that solidified your decision? 

Working in the garden - Nigeria 2014
KH:  I needed to see that Chiawuotu could go through difficulty and hardship for the truth's sake. I needed to see that Chiawuotu would care for my spiritual life and show concern for my spiritual goals. I needed evidence that Chiawuotu would be able to be patient with my mistakes and speak kindly even at these times. And though I saw all these evidences, it was still not easy to decide in the positive, but I knew God was leading. God would constantly affirm my decisions through scripture after scripture. 

Then finally I held out a 'Gideon’s fleece' by asking God to lay the idea of a dowry on Chiawuotu's heart and around the time of our engagement God graciously answered my prayer. 

Chiawuotu, tell us how you asked Kimberley to enter into a courtship with you?

  First I told Kimberley that I wanted to speak to her parents, then after parental permission face to face, I asked Kimberley on the telephone if she would court me.  Kim asked me quite a few questions on my idea of courtship and after I passed her quiz, she said yes.

Courtship and Engagement Story 

Advent Vision's first album
KH: Our courtship involved a lot of ministry work together. During this time, we completed our first Advent Vision cd ‘Dear Pilgrim’ and travelled to many churches and meetings across the UK and the globe sharing the third angel in song. Some of our favourite memories are when we were in Sheffield, Slovakia, Germany, Oregon and Nigeria.

CA: It’s a great blessing to see how God can use us together to bring joy to others, which perhaps we couldn’t do in the same way if we were alone. One highlight for me was speaking to Kimberley’s Dad for permission to court. I was so nervous that the words did not come out of my mouth properly, yet Kimberley’s Dad was kind and used humour to help me cough out my question.

KH: I also appreciated Chiawuotu’s encouragement in my personal challenges and getting to know each others family.

Both:  Oh and we both are learning, just how important it is to work together, blend, submit, forbear and be patient.

Working together - Nigeria 2014

The Marriage Proposal 

KH: God asked me first if I would marry Chiawuotu, a few weeks before Chiawuotu did. I told my parents my thoughts and I made a decision during this time, which enabled me to give a prompt answer when Chiawuotu asked a few weeks later. ( 3rd January 2014).

In the pineapple field - Nigeria 2014

CA: Well I proposed at the beginning of this year in Germany. We were at a bible meeting and one morning Kimberley asked if she could join me on my morning devotion walk.  I had spoken with her Dad the day before on the telephone and he had given me permission to ask Kimberley to marry me. But Kimberley did not know.  After personal devotion and then a communal nature devotion together, we knelt down to pray on the top of a hill, amidst the beautiful sloping hills and singing birds.  I prayed first and thanked God for her and being able to speak with her Dad, and then asked if she would marry me  (with our eyes closed still praying).

KH: Then when I heard I was so surprised. I opened my eyes and said  ‘Of course I will..ehemm’ No I should respond by prayer. Then I closed my eyes and said yes in prayer.
CA: Then we joyfully stood to our feet and asked again and responded again and then went to the next bible meeting for the day.

Soon to be Mr and Mrs Anyanwu -  Nigeria 2014

Now you’re getting married this summer, what would you say your vision, mission or purpose in marriage will be? What influence do you hope your marriage union will have on others as well as yourselves? 

KH: My vision is that we would be sealed for Gods kingdom, and my influence will help Chiawuotu heavenward and that our relationship would have a saving influence on all our family and friends to be also saved in the Kingdom. My mission and purpose is to support Chiawuotu with his life work, and to make a happy functioning home, which will be a blessing to our community and even to the ends of the world.

CA: My vision is to win as many souls for Christ through my family ministry in song, sermon, saving health and most importantly our ‘living testimony’. It’ s our mission to use our time, talents and means to further Gods cause and allow God to reproduce His character in us so we can hopefully ‘go to our heaven bound home.’

Smile - Nigeria 2014

Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. 
Psalms 37:4-5

You can follow Chiawuotu and Kimberley's journey at www.chiawuotuandkimberley.weebly.com

Thanks for reading!

Love, your girl forever,

♥ Miss Daisy