Thursday, 30 June 2016

The Allotment Disaster

Some months ago, I blogged about my plans to start gardening, with the intentions of growing at home and also at the local allotment.  I started growing a few things at home and everything seemed to be going well until I visited the allotment and beheld this sight....

Weeds! Nothing but weeds, and their roots run deep! I think that day we realised just how much work needs to be done here before we can even consider planting any seeds! We need to uproot the weeds, restore the soil and also work on the paths around the beds to stop our weeds from getting into other peoples’ gardens.  That day I realised just how much damage can be caused from a few months of neglect and how hard and time consuming it will be to restore it back.  The whole allotment situation reminded me of Ezekiel 37. When Ezekiel was in vision and he beheld a valley of dry dead bones, he was asked if the bones can live, to which he responded “O Lord God thou Knowest”  (Ezekiel 37:3). To me this garden looked like a lost cause.

Later that day, I thought about the condition of the allotment and the amount of work that needs to be done and it caused me to look at my own heart. I know that there are many areas in my life that need to be worked on and it definitely feels like a “big job”! Sometimes I feel like I am wearing God’s patience thin, but at the same time he daily gives me tokens and evidences of the renewing work of Christ in my life.  Yes, it definitely feels like a big job and sometimes a hopeless cause, but I know that my God never slumbers nor sleeps. He longs to see the heart renewed, and the work that he has begun in all of us, he is faithful to complete it (Philippians 1:6), if we do our part and cooperate with him. 

So we will press forward with the work that needs to be done at the allotment, even if it means we don’t get to plant there this year. We will work hard to restore things back to the way they should be, not by power, nor by might but by his spirit! (Zechariah 4:6)

Lord, please help us to restore this garden even as you restore our hearts…

Love, your girl forever

♥ Miss Daisy ♥

P.S things are growing really well at home, I will post some pictures soon xxx

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