Friday, 17 April 2020

Nowhere to go – Coronavirus lockdown reflections

2020 has been so crazy right?

Who would have thought at the beginning of the year that there would be a worldwide pandemic and almost the whole world would be in some kind of lockdown? 

My heart really goes out to all those who have lost loved ones due to the Coronavirus, I have read the stories and it honestly breaks my heart. This whole situation has been tough as many lives have been turned upside down – people have lost their jobs, students have had their education cut short, not enough food In the supermarkets, wedding days cancelled, and just the complete uncertainty at this time. I really encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ to really pray for people, and go further than that to find ways we can practically to help others at this time; the world needs us now more than ever.

Let’s not get side tracked talking about conspiracy theories or downplaying the situation. From whichever angle you view it, it is a serious situation we are currently facing and what the world needs from us now is words of life and hope at a time where there is much fear and uncertainty.

Moving onto the real purpose of this post; I really want to share with you some reflections that I’ve had during this lockdown.

I know for many this lockdown has provided the opportunity to start or get round to doing those things that haven’t been done due to time - that project or ideas that needs to be worked on,  decluttering in the house, exercising, healthy cooking and eating, learning a new skill using online courses, the list goes on.

But I think what this lockdown has done for me, in addition to those things, is that it has given me the time and mental headspace to actually think and to take stock of my thoughts and feelings.

What do I mean?

Life can get extremely busy and you can find yourself going from one thing straight to the next.

When we are constantly on the go - working, studying, commuting and attending to a whole load of commitments, it is so easy to push things to the back of your mind and not deal with them because you are busy doing life”. 

During this lockdown even though I am still busy as I am working (from home), and still have other commitments, my extra free time and lack of social contact has pretty much forced me into a position where I have had to deal with the things that have been piling up in my mind.

Those unresolved issues, those fears, those anxieties…

…it was time to confront them.

I am not trying to be super deep here – it can be something as simple as taking the time to walk through a past incident to assess and evaluate – what I said, what I did, what I shouldn’t have said or what I didn’t do.

And what I have found being in this lockdown is that there is nowhere to go, not just physically, but in my mind, I can’t keep running and things cannot be ignored or hidden under the busyness.   

I can’t keep avoiding those tough conversations with myself, those tough conversations with God - those times when I really need to go deep and examine my thoughts and feelings and get to the root of the matter. 

And this is what this lockdown has done for me, it has shown me that there is nowhere to go - but to Christ.

I just to want encourage anyone that is reading this, whether it is during this lockdown or years in the future, don’t forget to take stock of your life, of your thoughts, feelings and your mental wellbeing.  Give yourself time to walk through things and systemically deal with those things which you are trying to avoid. I am seeing so many posts on social media, where people are saying that they are bored! Use this time wisely. The same way you don’t want to walk away from this lockdown with that job” that has been left for a year, still undone…is the same way you cannot run from issues. You need to face them. You need to face that fear, that guilt, that pain. You need to face that now, while you have this extra time”, because once all goes back to normal those problems are going to return to the back of your mind and get ignored and drowned in your busyness. 

Ask yourself what am I running away from?  What am I ignoring? Why don’t I want to deal with this issue? Why am I hiding?

Where can I go?

Like I mentioned before, we are in lockdown and there is really nowhere to go - but to Christ.

 Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.
Psalm 26: 2

Love, your girl forever,

♥ Miss Daisy   

Stay in touch with me 


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